Individual Coaching

Tackle obstacles and reach breakthroughs with Individual Coaching today

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Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching provides ‘on demand’ access to an expert coach for anyone working in an educational context. It is personalised, confidential, flexibly scheduled and time efficient – more so than just about any other form of professional learning. It is a safe space to think and reach greater clarity around your next steps.

About Individual Coaching

One to one coaching works because it is personalised, confidential, flexibly scheduled and time efficient – more so than just about any other form of professional learning. It is a safe space to think and reach greater clarity around your next steps. Follow-up sessions enable supportive accountability to follow through on these actions. Coaching for Individuals provides live online 1-1 coaching with a Transformation Ark Accredited Coach in flexible blocks of coaching hours. An initial block of 2 hours, as two 1-hour or three 40-minute coaching sessions, can provide short-term focused support to move forward on a strategic priority, specific topic or challenge. With longer blocks of up to 6 hours, you can benefit from the deeper transformative change that a full coaching cycle enables.

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Advantages of Individual Coaching

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  • An impartial and non-judgmental perspective
  • Critical reflection in a safe space
  • Increased self-efficacy, positive emotion and resilience
  • Increased self and interpersonal awareness
  • Greater clarity, energy and next step actions on your topic
  • Overcoming procrastination on a simmering issue
  • Relieving some of the stress and angst of a pressing issue
  • Building confidence for tackling similar future topics

  • Ready to make a change?

    Sometimes even the most well organised people need a concentrated burst to get back on top of things. Others will benefit from focusing on getting a personal organisational system in place that will enable them to achieve less stressfully.Are you interested in individual coaching?


    After my individual coaching session,my life has really changed..

    Jason Wafula

    "Coaching is the difference-maker for me."

    Ireen Kwamboka

    Am happy with your chaing. Give it a try – It will absolutely change your life!

    Janet Wegulo